Pythagoras Theorem

If, ∠ABC = 90° (AB & BC is perpendicular to each other), then: (AC)² = (AB)² + (BC)² OR c² = a² + b² OR (Hypotenuse)² = (Perpendicular)² +...


Step 1: Look for brackets and complete the calculations inside them, according bracket order: FIRST    SECOND    THIRD   Step 2: Look for any kind of roots (square roots, cube roots and others), indices (square of a number, cube of a number and others), exponents...


Header Files conio.h: CONsole Input Output (getch, clrscr) stdio.h: STanDard Input Output (scanf, printf) math.h: Mathematical functions (pow, sqrt, sin, cos, exp) string.h: Character & string functions (char, strlen, String) THERE ARE MANY OTHER HEADER FILES IN...